Grumpy Old Sod Dot Com - an internet voice for the exasperated. Sick of the nanny state? Pissed off with politicians? Annoyed by newspapers? Irate with the internet? Tell us about it!

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11th September 2013: The world's gone mad and I'm the only one who knows
13th August 2013: Black is white. Fact. End of.
11th August 2013: Electric cars, not as green as they're painted?
18th June 2013: Wrinklies unite, you have nothing to lose but your walking frames!
17th May 2013: Some actual FACTS about climate change (for a change) from actual scientists ...
10th May 2013: An article about that poison gas, carbon dioxide, and other scientific facts (not) ...
10th May 2013: We need to see past the sex and look at the crimes: is justice being served?
8th May 2013: So, who would you trust to treat your haemorrhoids, Theresa May?
8th May 2013: Why should citizens in the 21st Century fear the law so much?
30th April 2013: What the GOS says today, the rest of the world realises tomorrow ...
30th April 2013: You couldn't make it up, could you? Luckily you don't need to ...
29th April 2013: a vote for NONE OF THE ABOVE, because THE ABOVE are crap ...
28th April 2013: what goes around, comes around?
19th April 2013: everyone's a victim these days ...
10th April 2013: Thatcher is dead; long live Thatcher!
8th April 2013: Poor people are such a nuisance. Just give them loads of money and they'll go away ...
26th March 2013: Censorship is alive and well and coming for you ...
25th March 2013: Just do your job properly, is that too much to ask?
25th March 2013: So, what do you think caused your heterosexuality?
20th March 2013: Feminists - puritans, hypocrites or just plain stupid?
18th March 2013: How Nazi Germany paved the way for modern governance?
13th March 2013: Time we all grew up and lived in the real world ...
12th March 2013: Hindenburg crash mystery solved? - don't you believe it!
6th March 2013: Is this the real GOS?
5th March 2013: All that's wrong with taxes
25th February 2013: The self-seeking MP who is trying to bring Britain down ...
24th February 2013: Why can't newspapers just tell the truth?
22nd February 2013: Trial by jury - a radical proposal
13th February 2013: A little verse for two very old people ...
6th February 2013: It's not us after all, it's worms
6th February 2013: Now here's a powerful argument FOR gay marriage ...
4th February 2013: There's no such thing as equality because we're not all the same ...
28th January 2013: Global Warming isn't over - IT'S HIDING!
25th January 2013: Global Warmers: mad, bad and dangerous to know ...
25th January 2013: Bullying ego-trippers, not animal lovers ...
19th January 2013: We STILL haven't got our heads straight about gays ...
16th January 2013: Bullying ego-trippers, not animal lovers ...
11th January 2013: What it's like being English ...
7th January 2013: Bleat, bleat, if it saves the life of just one child ...
7th January 2013: How best to put it? 'Up yours, Argentina'?
7th January 2013: Chucking even more of other people's money around ...
6th January 2013: Chucking other people's money around ...
30th December 2012: The BBC is just crap, basically ...
30th December 2012: We mourn the passing of a genuine Grumpy Old Sod ...
30th December 2012: How an official body sets out to ruin Christmas ...
16th December 2012: Why should we pardon Alan Turing when he did nothing wrong?
15th December 2012: When will social workers face up to their REAL responsibility?
15th December 2012: Unfair trading by a firm in Bognor Regis ...
14th December 2012: Now the company that sells your data is pretending to act as watchdog ...
7th December 2012: There's a war between cars and bikes, apparently, and  most of us never noticed!
26th November 2012: The bottom line - social workers are just plain stupid ...
20th November 2012: So, David Eyke was right all along, then?
15th November 2012: MPs don't mind dishing it out, but when it's them in the firing line ...
14th November 2012: The BBC has a policy, it seems, about which truths it wants to tell ...
12th November 2012: Big Brother, coming to a school near you ...
9th November 2012: Yet another celebrity who thinks, like Jimmy Saville, that he can behave just as he likes because he's famous ...
5th November 2012: Whose roads are they, anyway? After all, we paid for them ...
7th May 2012: How politicians could end droughts at a stroke if they chose ...
6th May 2012: The BBC, still determined to keep us in a fog of ignorance ...
2nd May 2012: A sense of proportion lacking?
24th April 2012: Told you so, told you so, told you so ...
15th April 2012: Aah, sweet ickle polar bears in danger, aah ...
15th April 2012: An open letter to Anglian Water ...
30th March 2012: Now they want to cure us if we don't believe their lies ...
28th February 2012: Just how useful is a degree? Not very.
27th February 2012: ... so many ways to die ...
15th February 2012: DO go to Jamaica because you definitely WON'T get murdered with a machete. Ms Fox says so ...
31st January 2012: We don't make anything any more
27th January 2012: There's always a word for it, they say, and if there isn't we'll invent one
26th January 2012: Literary criticism on GOS? How posh!
12th December 2011: Plain speaking by a scientist about the global warming fraud
9th December 2011: Who trusts scientists? Apart from the BBC, of course?
7th December 2011: All in all, not a good week for British justice ...
9th November 2011: Well what d'you know, the law really IS a bit of an ass ...


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Here is the text of a formal complaint made this week to the BBC about the last programme in the BBC2 series "How the Earth made Us" ...

The series "How the earth made us" has been visually attractive but otherwise shallow, poorly-argued and really rather silly. The final episode on man's effect on his environment went entirely too far, and turned into a polemic on anthropological Global Warming.
The science quoted was flimsy in the extreme. For instance, the suggestion that the next ice age should have started seven thousand years ago but was held up by primitive farmers burning stubble and domesticating wild animals is laughable to anyone who realises that large parts of the Mediterranean, western America and Australia have for many thousands of years experienced regular and massive wild fires that dwarf anything primitive farmers could manage. It is ridiculous when you remember the enormous herds of bison, wildebeeste and other ruminants that have inhabited large tracts of America and Africa in the past entirely without human intervention - or are you suggesting that wild animals don't fart? Far more likely is that scientists don't know quite so much about climate as you think, and the next ice age is just a bit late. Seven thousand years is just a heartbeat in geological terms. Your presenter's a geologist - didn't he explain that to you?
At a time when it is becoming apparent that many of the IPCC's claims were spurious, some based on poor and highly selective data, others on little data at all and some deliberately fabricated, it is disreputable conduct on the BBC's part to continue trying to pull the wool over viewers' eyes. When reputable scientists are deserting the Global Warming lobby in droves, it is childish to expect that one enthusiastic geologist perched on the top of a cliff can make any kind of creditable case. When many of the hysterical predictions of recent years are proving to be nothing more than fantasy in the face of observable facts, it is wildly irresponsible of the BBC to be prating rubbish about "carbon" in the atmosphere (the atmosphere is gas. Carbon is not a gas. There is no carbon in the atmosphere. There is some carbon dioxide, which is a naturally occurring and generally beneficial gas. Plants, for instance, can't manage without it. We need lots of plants).
When the majority of the public on both sides of the Atlantic are loudly rejecting the theory of anthropological Global Warming it is an irresponsible perversion of the BBC's remit to be so determined to change their minds whether they like it or not. Stop preaching old news to us, BBC. Stop lying to us. Stop treating us like naughty children who can be nagged into believing the same as you. We won't believe it, and we resent you trying to make us.


If only the BBC apparatchiks could pull their heads out of their bottoms long enough to glance through this major article by Professor Fred Singer of the Heartland Institute (click the link at the bottom of the page to see the full text, which is a .pdf file).
If you prefer to see the man's face, here is a video of an excellent lecture by Singer. Be patient - the introduction is rather long and almost incomprehensible. Professor Singer, when he arrives, is admirably clear. The comments below the video are interesting, too.
Not everyone can be convinced by Professor Singer's clarity and logic - or even by the facts, apparently. Lisa Jackson, Head of America's Environmental Protection Agency has just announced publicly that "Fifteen years with no statistically significant increase in global temperatures does not mean that the human race is not causing the climate to change". She reasserted her "faith" (that was CNS News's word, not ours) in man-made global warming in response to a question from CNS asking if she agreed with the recent statement by prominent climate scientist Phil Jones that there had been no statistically significant global warming since 1995.

EPA's Lisa Jackson with ... some bloke or other ...

Well, Ms.Jackson, by that logic I suppose the fact that no fairies have been seen for the last century means that they do actually exist? And the fact that for ten years we've had no genuine and lasting consensus among scientists about global warming is some kind of proof, is it? And 33 years with no sightings of Elvis doesn't mean he isn't still alive? And the fact that you, Ms.Jackson, appear to walk about unaided, talk, eat, defecate and scratch doesn't prove the existence of any discernible directing intelligence, presumably?
For a more intelligent and literate round-up of the current state of play in the global warming non-debate, have a look at Walter Williams's article. Williams says "man-made global warming might turn out to be the greatest hoax in mankind's history". That's a pretty bold claim when you look at the competition. I mean ... religion ... weapons of mass destruction ... the Orgone Institute ... the current Labour so-called government ... Boyzone ...
Be careful, though: Williams is black, so if you dispute his views that probably makes you racist. We particularly liked this reaction to the article posted by a visitor to the Human Events website ...
The AGW crowd is comprised of two groups. The first group (the followers) includes the uninformed, the gullible, the well intentioned but naive, the sincere but mislead, many journalists and researchers, and yes, the just plain stupid. I would think it safe to say that these people all believe that most of the recent global warming must have been or was caused by human activity, primarily CO2 emissions, and that wind farms fix the problem. These people are not evil, they are just wrong. How anyone could rationally think that the IPCC fairytales prove their position is beyond hope and not worthy of debate.
The second group (the leaders) includes primary, government funded researchers, left leaning political leaders, activist and environmentalist leadership, and, of course, the Hansens, Gores, Manns, Briffas, Pachauri, and the rest of the extremists with which we are burdened. To the surprise of those in the first group, but not at all to the rest of us, these people do not necessarily believe or, for the most part, even care if global warming is anthropogenic. And, unlike the first group, these people are not only evil and wrong but also dangerous. They are not out to save the world but to gain political power and financial control over individuals, businesses and countries. There are legitimate environmental issues. Surly we must continue to fight for and to find a way to protect our environment, reduce stress on fisheries, manage water, land and forest resources, protect endangered species if possible and were practical, and a myriad other environmental issues and crises we face. The real tragedy of the AGW shibboleth is that it will destroy the credibility of legitimate environmental movements, divert needed funding away from them, and make the efforts of those movements even more difficult. And this is why the people of the first group, if and when they ever figure it out, should forever condemn those of the second.
The rest of us already have.


The GOS says: Me too. In fact, I tend to play safe and condemn everybody. That way you can be sure you haven't missed anyone out.

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